Part 1 - a Bad Gut Feeling
Hi! I’m Caroline - the founder of Kif & co. I’m happy you’re here! Although, I must admit I’d never thought I’d say so as my journey to founding this little crazy little company was not one I planned for.
About a decade ago, I was struggling with a grab-bag of mysterious chronic health issues (acne, fatigue, anxiety, depression, hormone imbalances, brain fog, stress fractures.. the list goes on). Frustrated with being told this was “normal” and fed up with solutions only coming in pill-form, I finally ditched the medicine cabinet & turned instead to heal in a place I felt much more at home: the kitchen cabinet.

Part 2 - Fermentation
As I fell (back) in love with food & cracked open cookbooks, one fermentation-focused cookbook in particular led me down a rabbit hole into the world of living foods, probiotics and the incredible impact that tiny, microscopic organisms have in shaping our health & well-being. A fermentation-frenzy & an interest (okay, obsession) with gut-microbiome health began to brew that only increased a hundredfold after I started to feel lighter, brighter & better than ever before.
Part 3 - The Magic Elixir
As I fermented anything & everything under the sun and my body / soul continued to heal, my passion to inspire others to also nurture their internal ecosystems grew. What did not was an audience interested in embracing my funky (& often stinky) fermented creations.
For awhile I felt stumped by my inability to get others to embrace these potent probiotic products until I stumbled upon one light & refreshing fizzy, fermented tonic that didn't cause people to stand five feet away from me. While culturing coconut yogurt one sunny LA afternoon, I experimented with using my kefir cultures to brew their namesake, kefir water, a simple fermented tonic *almost* lost to ancient memory.
I was blown away by not only how easy-drinkin' & delicious the beverage was but by how potent in probiotics it proved to be. Call it your quintessential lightbulb moment, mix in lockdown & a little elbow-grease and the journey to spread the word about the magic of this delicious & nutritious elixir nicknamed 'Kif' kicked off!